Need a Prior Authorization?

Welcome, Utah Healthcare Providers

Contracted providers are an essential part of delivering quality care to our members. We value our partnership and appreciate the family-like relationship that you pass on to our members.

As our partner, assisting you is one of our highest priorities. We welcome your feedback and look forward to supporting all your efforts to provide quality care.

Molina Healthcare of Utah participates in the Utah Medicare, Medicaid, CHIP and Marketplace programs.

If you have any questions, call Provider Services at (855) 322-4081.

Become a Molina Provider

Would you like to become a Medicare-Medicaid Plan (MMP) provider with Molina Dual Options? Call us at (855) 322-4075 or complete Non-Par Provider Contract Request Form and email it to


2022 Provider Satisfaction Survey Now Available - Oct 2022

In an ongoing effort to meet the needs of our provider partners and measure provider satisfaction, Molina is administering its annual Provider Satisfaction Survey, using an independent third party, SPH Analytics, a NCQA certified survey vendor. If you receive the survey, please complete and return it as your feedback is important to us and helps us determine how we can better assist you on a day-to-day basis, and more importantly, how we can partner with you to better serve our members. 

Provider Manual Update - July 2022

We have recently updated the provider manual to include the following:

  • New Clinical Policy website information added to the Healthcare Services chapter
  • COB language updated in the Claims and Compensation chapter
  • Interoperability section added to the Risk Adjustment Management Program chapter
  • Updated the Continuation of Benefits During an Appeal section in the Complaints, Grievance and Appeals Process chapter

The updated manual can be found by visiting our Provider Manual page or by clicking here.

Your Opinion Matters to Molina

Email us to share your comments, concerns or ideas. Your feedback is important to us. Let us know what we're doing well and what we can do to improve. 
Interested in Joining the Molina Network?
Contract Request Form

Do you need to add, terminate, or make demographic changes to an existing Provider in your group?

Please notify Molina Healthcare at least 30 days in advance when you:

  • Change office location, hours, phone, fax, or email.
  • Add or close a location.
  • Add or terminate a provider.
  • Change in Tax ID and/or NPI.
  • Open or close your practice to new
    patients (PCPs only).

Complete the Provider Roster Template, which can be found on the 'Provider Forms' page, and submit your changes to

Frequently Used Forms