Pharmacy and Drug Information
Welcome to the Pharmacy and Drug Information page for providers. Here you will find essential resources and links to help you manage patient medications and understand the pharmacy benefits available.
Molina Healthcare of New Mexico offers a comprehensive list of covered medications for Members in alignment with all state requirements. The list shows all the prescription and over-the-counter products Members can get from a pharmacy. Some medications require prior authorization (PA) or have limitations on age, dosage and/or quantities.
NM Turquoise Care Preferred Drug List - Downloadable PDF
NM Turquoise Care Preferred Drug List - Searchable Tool
Pharmacy PA Systems Downtime Notice 2025
Physician Administered Preferred Drug List
This list of medications is preferred under the medical benefit.
Physician Administered Preferred Drug List
Physician Administered Drug Clinical Coverage Policies
Prior Authorizations
Molina’s decisions are based upon the information included with the PA request. Clinical notes are recommended.
Pharmacy Prior Authorization Forms
Prior Authorizations Criteria
Step Therapy
Plan restrictions for certain Formulary drugs may require that other drugs be tried first. New Mexico Medicaid’s Preferred Drug List (PDL) designates which drugs require step therapy. Drug samples from Providers or manufacturers are not considered as meeting step therapy requirements or as justification for exception requests.
Pharmacy Billing
MAC Pricing (Maximum Allowable Cost) Pharmacists & Medical Professionals | CVS Caremark
Molina Pharmacy New Mexico Implementation Guide
Physicians-Administered (J-codes) Medications
COVID Billing Vaccine Guidance
Drug Recall Information
- For a list of recalled drugs, please refer to the FDA Drug Recalls page.